After the planning of the preventive action, our clients decide if they need or not our tutor and leadership guidance in the Establishment phase. If this is the case, Fahrenheit Consultors will proceed to lead the preventive change management in the company, always from the promotion and development of the Human Factor as the critical variable.
Types of general preventive measures, which will be adequately registered:
Concrete measures to reduce or minimize the origin risks. It may include measures to minimize the consequences. The preventive measures, which eliminate or reduce the risks´ probability occurrence, will be prioritized regarding the protection objective of minimizing the consequences. (Firstly, we will try to protect workers collectively. Only when it is not possible to eliminate risks or minimize them sufficiently, we will turn to individual protection.)
All people from the company´s structure who make decisions which affect the work conditions, will set up the preventive measures with our professional team´s advice.
- Safety work instructions.
- Register of Risk Installations.
- The elaboration of a procedure manual for the functioning of these installations which guarantee the workers and users´ security.
- Communication of accidents and incidents´Protocol.
- Proposal of work equipment´s preventive maintenance.
- Safety signs Plan
- Plan of Individual and collective equipment protection´s management.
- Plan of coordination of construction works, purchases and contracting in order to adjust their functioning to the stipulated preventive requirements.
- Plan of Training and information.
- The following are the procedures for risk control:
· Hygiene risk control.
· Ergonomic and psychosocial risk control.
- Health surveillance with periodical and obligatory medical check-ups for risk activities and universalization for all the company´s collective.
- Coordination of business activities. Especially in the activities control which may be mutually incompatible and exacerbate the risks.
- Waste security.
- Plan of Autoprotection, Emergency and Evacuation, etc.
- Simulations.
- Plans of Safety in building works.
- Coordination and safety visits in building works.
- Preventive Resource in company.
- ATEX Protection against Explosive Atmospheres.
- Security adviser in Dangerous Goods Transportation.
- Implantation OHSAS 18001
Taking into account the following objetive:
MAXIMIZE the elimination/decrease of the risk.
MINIMIZE its economic impact.
For more information, contact us without commitment.
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